Saturday, August 3, 2013

Never "Too Much"

Are you feeling like you are "too much" or you have gone too far in your sin to be redeemed, changed, healed, made whole, and used to bring life and good? Listen, you aren't the only one!
Rahab was truly an unlikely candidate to be bragged about. She was a prostitute. She was a prostitute whose unexplainable faith and actions were displayed through her risk to hide the spies, and go against the grain of normal human instinct of self-protection and hiding; and to go against the grain of her culture, to lash out when threatened. What gave her the strength and insight? Did she gain this somehow through her loss, desperation, and life of prostitution? I can only surmise, that a God so extravagant with grace, extended to her small seeds of grace, awakening her of hope and inviting her into opportunity for life. And she seized them!
How did she become a prostitute? Was she barren? Orphaned? We don’t know her history, but what we do know is that despite of where she was, what sin she was caught up in, she risked. She probably had no idea how her actions (rooted in a faith that she did not fully realize ... if any of us ever really do?) would change her life and change the direction of her legacy!!! (Becoming Boaz’s grandma, and King David’s great-grandma!, who made the way for Jesus, the Savior!) Night after night of feeling shame, emptiness, discarded, and used up, do you think she had hope and dreams for herself? God did!

This woman would be considered a stain to one’s lineage by some, but God names her in Jesus’ lineage (Matthew 1), which is completely counter-culture at that time! She is valued. Her place in the story is emphasized, not dismissed! No matter where you have been, and no matter where you are, you are not too much for Jesus. You, your place, your role, all that you are, He values. Are you willing to risk and awaken to His grace and love for you? (How? Go against the grain ... what you normally might do, rely on yourself, try something new!) I wonder what dreams and plans He has for you? Your intended legacy and impact might surprise you!

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